We like to keep our dental community up to date on what is happening at Central Markham Dental Centre. Our newsletter will have updated dental care tips and office promotions! We'd love for you to become part of our community. We would like to use email to send you appointment confirmation, recall reminders, treatment plan reminders, and occasional notice about events at our dental practice. Subscribe to our Newsletter using the form below and stay e-connected with us.
Your information will not be shared. You may unsubscribe at any time through our newsletter.
To thank you for subscribing to our e-newsletter and liking us on Facebook, you will have a chance to earn a $25 gift card to a popular store. We will make a draw at the end of each month. Pass it along to your friends, so they can receive our office’s updated dental care tips, promotions and a chance to earn a reward just like you do!
Our office will either mail your gift or provide you with the opportunity to pick it up at our office. Expiration dates may be associated with them. We have no responsibility to accommodate any individual’s schedule and it is up to you to use the gift card by its expiration date, and cannot be combined with any promotion or discount. We reserve the right to end, change the rules and modify prizes at any time.
3085 Highway 7, Unit 2
Markham, ON
L3R 0J5
Phone: (905) 948-9999
Email: info@centralmarkhamdental.com